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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 12
Location : tampa
Points : 952
Registration date : 2022-04-19

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PostSubject: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2022 8:06 pm

hello folks, just dropping in with a status update. last year I acquired the wrecked silverwing from this thread:

my hobby is building custom naked scooters. I have eight scooters and I like them all. they all have there own personality. they are all a work in progress. the general game plan is buy when the price is "I cant resist that" get it running, strip it down, then rebuild keeping bike as light as possible.

the silverwing has been a complete joy to play with. it currently drives absolutely fantastic. weight is 440lbs. with about 10-20 yet to be removed. I believe stock they weigh 540. not sure as a good bit of parts were missing as received. current mechanical mods are k&n filter, jcosta pro variator, malossi contra spring, and a 140/60 rear tire. near future mods include fork rebuild with emulators, custom airbox, custom zx12 titanium muffler, all rounded off with dynojet tuned fuel curve. many cosmetic mods planned, too many to list. unfortunately this type of work takes a tonne of time. you dont even want to know. progress is slow because its just me and and I have too many projects and not enough time. and I like riding just as much as modding. it is what it is. next update it will look much cooler. at least to me. and thats all that counts.

Last edited by jerry-d on Sat Apr 23, 2022 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Dude
Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider
The Dude

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2022 12:35 am

I would like to see some of your work. thumbs up
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2022 9:27 am

I found the fork tree that was supposed to go with it recently. Still wrapped in plastic. Steering stem. Part # 53219-MCT-000. I thought I gave it to Arnie but I found it in the rafters in the garage doing spring cleaning. Need it? Not sure how much shipping would be but that part is around $220 new.
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Registration date : 2009-06-12

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2022 11:28 am

Here is a link to Jerry-D’s excellent ‘naked Silverwing build’ topic (with many photos) on ADVrider:

Last edited by Cosmic_Jumper on Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:42 am; edited 1 time in total
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Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 20, 2022 2:04 pm

jerry-d wrote:
... snipped ... and a 140/60 rear tire ...

I'm curious jerry-d.  The stock rear tire size is 150/70-13.  You went to a narrower and shorter tire.  I assume you did this to put more torque down quicker?  Am I right?
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

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Registration date : 2022-04-19

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 21, 2022 8:56 am

sonuvabug wrote:
jerry-d wrote:
... snipped ... and a 140/60 rear tire ...

I'm curious jerry-d.  The stock rear tire size is 150/70-13.  You went to a narrower and shorter tire.  I assume you did this to put more torque down quicker?  Am I right?

I run smaller tires on a lot of my scooters. there are a host of reasons why. biggest is to improve acceleration. the smaller diameter raises the gear ratio. (about 8%in this case) it also reduces rotational mass, which improves acceleration and breaking. suspension reacts faster so handling bumps improved as well. this particular tire is loads of fun in the acceleration department. its a wider tire than you normally get per given size. so its more like a 150/60. its also cheap. half cost of good 150/70. I want to try both 130/70 and 140/70 on the bike. I bought a 130/70 for it initially but it ended up on my naked majesty were it replaced a worn out 140/60. I liked the size a little better on that project. the front tire also went from 120/80 to 120/70. got a michelin pilot on the front that was on sale for 39 shipped. wish I bought two more. that might be best tire I have of all the tires I have used.

dude, more pics coming. there is a seven day wait period for hosted pictures to external link.

sc00ter, I am not sure if I need that stem. the bars are a little bent. but I need to access closer. give me a few days on that. I may want it. I definetly would have paid for shipping the extra wheel, but its the front wheel that has a side to side wobble. the rear on bike is straight. so I didnt follow through with a request for that.

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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

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Registration date : 2022-04-19

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2022 5:28 pm

my naked silverwing project IMG-20220512-125647
my naked silverwing project IMG-20220512-130009

current look as of today. starting to take shapel.
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Site Admin

Number of posts : 4415
Age : 81
Location : damn near Philadelphia, PA
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Registration date : 2009-06-12

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2022 8:45 pm

Love the tankbag. That’s one humongous muffler Mr. Jerry.
And, hey, what about a bird screen over the variator intake? 🤭
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 12
Location : tampa
Points : 952
Registration date : 2022-04-19

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2022 8:28 am

I do have the transmission covers and plan to use them. the cvt cover has been off no less than 20 times setting up transmission. didnt want to remove those covers that many times. the muffler is indeed big. but wow does it work nicely. stock muff is 18lbs. this 9lbs. but more important to me it can be louder or quieter than stock depending on manifold adapter shape. I like the muffler quieter than stock. so it is. I use same muffler on my majesty and mp3.
my naked silverwing project IMG_20220311_180436_01
my naked silverwing project 20200414-180840-HDR
my naked silverwing project 20191225-113121
my naked silverwing project IMG-20220421-191802
my naked silverwing project IMG-20220421-191829
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 232
Location : Norfolk, VA
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Registration date : 2018-07-16

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PostSubject: Re: my naked silverwing project   my naked silverwing project I_icon_minitimeFri May 13, 2022 11:11 pm

I'll hold onto the tree and the rear wheel for you for awhile. I also have some small parts as well as I seemed to order doubles (I'm stupid sometimes) of rebuild parts for my wifes Swing.
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