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V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeby RedRaider Mon Oct 07, 2024 8:04 pm

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V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeby terryweasely Sat Oct 05, 2024 11:44 pm

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 V light how does it work

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phils a winger
Scootypuff Snr
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PostSubject: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 2:54 pm

OK answered most of my questions using the search bar.

However the V light is a new concept to me.

Reading through threads it appears it illuminates at 16K miles (major service so preset like light oil change light?)

It illuminates when the belt slips.

So how does it work,have folk found it accurate and the belt is worn/thin/frayed or is it a precautionary gimmick and I should rely on visual inspection as always.
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phils a winger
Maxi-Scooter Rider
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phils a winger

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V light how does it work  Empty
PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 3:16 pm

Had mine since 16K and is now 32k, think belt was changed at 15k, light comes on when ignition switched on but goes off when engine started. Been expecting it on for over 1000 miles, my bike lives mainly on country roads at speeds above 60 usually ! Not sure if the type of milage I do is kinder on the belt than a bike that lives in a city centre. If it is based on dimensions and not mileage then fine I'll wait for it to come on.
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Silver Wing Guru
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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 3:55 pm

I did mine at about 8,000 as a time and precautionary measure, could have gone a lot longer, no cracks and belt was in spec using the plastic gauge, the scoot is a 05.
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Scooter Rider
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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 5:47 pm

40k on my SW and just installed 3rd belt. 1st one did not know if had been changed at 16k or not so put on a new one. did 2nd change replaced belt had 16k and had lost very little width ware and showed zero loss of integrity, i now have 2 spares.

if ya V light is on simply keep track of how many miles you have on your belt, to reset the light hold down the clock/trip buttons for 5-6 seconds as you turn on the ignition, this resets the V light AND millage on your belt.

WHAT triggers the light! millage at 15k ... affraid Twisted Evil AND speeding.
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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 26, 2017 6:20 pm

It comes on at a set mileage; I had a new belt fitted early as I was going on a long trip.
The mechanic didn't reset the system, resulting in the V-light coming on soon after I set off!
After the panic had subsided I realised what had happened and did the reset myself.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 27, 2017 3:53 pm

I think it just counts to 16,000 then comes on.
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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 27, 2017 4:15 pm

Yep; a set mileage. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 27, 2017 4:26 pm

The Variator light comes ON at 16000 miles to indicate that it's time to change the belt. It will also come on if the engine RPMs exceed the parameters that the system thinks they should be for a given rear wheel RPM. In that event the system senses that the belt is worn and is slipping, though that is not always the case.

An example of this would be if the variator weights were changed to something significantly lighter than the 28 gm OEM weights. I've tested 21 gm Dr Pulley sliders and while acceleration is pretty darn impressive, the "V" light comes ON because the engine RPMs are significantly higher per MPH than the sedate performance when using heavier weight rollers or sliders.  HTH

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V light how does it work  Empty
PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2017 9:01 am

I changed my belt at 14K (early I know) I had a trip coming up so did it early. Took instructions with me on how to reset V lite and sure enough at 16K it came on! Reset it and all is good.
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

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PostSubject: Re: V light how does it work    V light how does it work  I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 28, 2017 8:29 pm

Cosmic_Jumper wrote:
The Variator light comes ON at 16000 miles to indicate that it's time to change the belt. It will also come on if the engine RPMs exceed the parameters that the system thinks they should be for a given rear wheel RPM. In that event the system senses that the belt is worn and is slipping, though that is not always the case.

An example of this would be if the variator weights were changed to something significantly lighter than the 28 gm OEM weights. I've tested 21 gm Dr Pulley sliders and while acceleration is pretty darn impressive, the "V" light comes ON because the engine RPMs are significantly higher per MPH than the sedate performance when using heavier weight rollers or sliders.  HTH


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