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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby COMick Today at 9:31 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby Meldrew Today at 5:22 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby JohnyC Yesterday at 1:05 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby RedRaider Thu Sep 12, 2024 3:59 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:57 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby Whiteclay Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:45 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:39 pm

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby GHM-PM Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:21 am

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby Tbear Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:50 am

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeby mavericksssrig Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:08 am

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 Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?

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4 posters
Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 5:29 am

In the owners / instruction manual HONDA states that the Silverwing needs engine oil that meets up to JASO MA standards.

Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? 14j423a

One element of the JASO-MA standard is a friction test designed to determine suitability for wet clutch usage. Since the Silverwing does NOT have a wet clutch, what is the point of using this 'MA' grade oil?

And what I really son't understand is why HONDA excludes 'energy conserving oils'.

I thought these oils offered less friction, thus better engine protection and lowered fuel consumption...

Anyone's got a clue???
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 6:46 am

Ok, I believe you may be reading from the FSC and not the FSJ manual for Euro bikes!!!

In my FSJ manual it states; and I quote!

SAE 10W - 30

JASO T 903 Standard

It goes on to say Suggested Oil - 4 Stroke Motorcycle Oil or Equivalent!

Don't know if there is much in it but it is a difference.
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Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 7:07 am

Thanks Doug,

I use a pdf manual that I got off the internet, since my SWing came without paper manual...

Odd that the US oil specs are different from the Euro Swing?
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john grinsel
john grinsel

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 7:25 am

I think they specify what they have to sell at big markups in various markets. For example: Japan 10-30 for my Helix bought there, US 10-40.

Suzuki Burgman----US MA spec, for engine not sharing oil supply with trans.

Right now I use Shell Rotella 15-40 with MA spec.....but have 500,000 mile history since 1990 using WalMart house brand oil with no negative results in my bikes/scooters and 2 Miatas.

Strange---but Castrol (US made) available in Asia and Europe in militaryPX---will have label "for use in N America only."

What do shops (if you let them work on your bike) put in your engine? Usually what they have purchased in bulk cheap.

My take=clean, slippery, changed often just about anything works---as long as for 4 stroke engines. Not many people riding SilverWings actually ride them enough to wear them out.
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Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 321
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Registration date : 2012-08-30

Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 7:35 am

Will probably have to do with preventing lawsuit claims???

Honda even promise to send a hitman if you don't follow their instructions... Shocked

Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? 2uj6sza

(I 'd rather expect that from an Italian manufacturer...)
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Old Limey
Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert
Old Limey

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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?   Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW? I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 13, 2012 2:32 pm

That's a very interesting point made about not needing the wet clutch oil spec. It never occured to me as i always buy oil specified for motorcycles. Most car oils 10/40s semi-synthetic are about half the price of the oil i've been buying. Cheers for that chaps. Smile
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Why does HONDA recommend 'Jaso MA' oil for the SW?
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