| Cleaning Windscreen | |
+5NWSSC viclavigne Old Limey larryinseattle tinman 9 posters |
Author | Message |
tinman Silver Wing Guru
Number of posts : 1298 Age : 76 Location : Matheson, Ontario, Canada Points : 6187 Registration date : 2011-11-29
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larryinseattle Touring Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 387 Age : 72 Location : Lattitude 47 Points : 5809 Registration date : 2010-03-31
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Sun May 06, 2012 7:25 am | |
| Pledge is good, but it gives up its qualities pretty fast. I use it on my tupperware, but on the windshield, I use Mequires Plastic Polish which is good for all vinyl windows and also does a great job on your helmet shield. For me, it lasts two to three weeks.
I bought it at Walmart and a small bottle costs $6.00 and it has lasted two seasons for two motorcycles and my helmets. |
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tinman Silver Wing Guru
Number of posts : 1298 Age : 76 Location : Matheson, Ontario, Canada Points : 6187 Registration date : 2011-11-29
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Sun May 06, 2012 9:58 am | |
| I used Mequires to remove cigarette smells in a vehicle that i purchase.It work great but cost $20.00 for a small bottle. I clean my Swing after every ride.Living in the North I sometime clean my shield and windscreen up to 4 times a day and I cary a windex spay bottle and paper towel all the time.Most riders don't go on the HWay after dust,just go and stand outside a coffee shop looking at there rides. I ride 80KL in any direction to go for a coffee At night and look out for bears and moose. |
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Old Limey Silver Wing Expert
Number of posts : 921 Age : 80 Location : BOLTON LANCASHIRE ENGLAND Points : 6353 Registration date : 2010-06-09
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Sun May 06, 2012 1:25 pm | |
| Someone advised using Pledge furniture polish on the screen,I tried it and wasn't impressed. I found Methalated spirits really clears all dirt off, for every day cleaning i keep a cloth (that i have rinsed in soapy water) in a plastic bag to keep it moist, and a dry micro towel type small cloth to dry off with in the right side cubbie box. It works for me. |
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viclavigne Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 46 Age : 62 Location : Hinesville, Georgia Points : 4730 Registration date : 2012-03-31
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Sun May 06, 2012 7:52 pm | |
| - tinman wrote:
- Living in the North I sometime clean my shield and windscreen up to 4 times a day and I cary a windex spay bottle and paper towel all the time.
Personally I wouldn't use windex on windshield or helmet visor. The ingredients can start to cloud those materials after regular use. I had a friend who had to replace her helmet visor after regular cleaning with windex. I'm old-fashioned and go with pledge. Easy to find, inexpensive, does a fair job on cleaning and can put a shine on the shine-able parts. May not be the best, but for me its good enough. Vic |
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tinman Silver Wing Guru
Number of posts : 1298 Age : 76 Location : Matheson, Ontario, Canada Points : 6187 Registration date : 2011-11-29
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Sun May 06, 2012 8:52 pm | |
| Bugs are not yet at there worse.Seen a Bear yesterday and a swamp doncey today.In day light OK at night not a pretty sight.My son hit one a few yrs back at night ,the car was full of ticks the size of grapes .Hot water and wash cloth removes the big stuff,the pledge give it a nice shine,and its quick to do. |
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NWSSC Silver Wing Rider
Number of posts : 418 Age : 87 Location : Mt Prospect IL 30 miles west of Chicago Points : 5906 Registration date : 2010-03-03
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Mon May 07, 2012 12:45 am | |
| I use a product called All Kleer by the Black Lab Corp.Works great on new or dry bugs and all sorts of road dirt. I carry a 6oz bottle at all times. Also works on helmets. Howard http://www.webbikeworld.com/motorcycle-cleaning-polish/all-kleer/ |
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mrcaveman Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 19 Age : 78 Location : Springfield, Il Points : 4934 Registration date : 2011-08-11
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:20 am | |
| Water works for me? I keep a butter tub full of clear water with a polishing applicator pad in the tub (lid on). Each time I come back from a ride I just open the tub, wipe off the screen with the applicator pad and dry with a micro fiber cloth. Works great and screen is always clear. Can't beat the cost? |
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john123 Maxi-Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 133 Age : 76 Location : Santa Barbara California Points : 5625 Registration date : 2010-02-21
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:30 am | |
| I just finished the spray can of All Kleer. Expensive but it works great. I am now using a small spray bottle with a few drops of dish washing soap and water. Seams to work just fine. |
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dogdcinc Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 14 Age : 79 Location : Park Hills, Ky. Points : 4567 Registration date : 2012-08-05
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:02 pm | |
| We have found that the best product for cleaning the windscreen or face shield is a product known as "Plexus". This product is a little expensive, but without a doubt the best product for this duty. |
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SonnyO Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 50 Age : 74 Location : Louisiana Points : 4618 Registration date : 2012-07-23
| Subject: Re: Cleaning Windscreen Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:27 pm | |
| +1 for the Plexus. Excellent job of cleaning all plastic surfaces. It also seems a bit easier to remove bugs from windshield if used on a regular basis. Also hydrogen peroxide is a great bug remover.
For face shields, Novus plastic polish and scratch remover work best for me. |
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| Cleaning Windscreen | |