Oh yea! I like it. (your ride)
The last past year, off and on, I have been thinking about a
Honda St1300 or the Yamaha 1300? or even the Gold-wing.
The Big Daddy.
But just yesterday, I went on my Saturday ride, this time down the world famous. PCH (Hi Way 1) South to Malibu here in California, I was doing only 5 miles over the limit , when two larger bikes slowly past me up.
Well I don't like being left behind even at 65 years old, so I increased the speed just to keep up.
Well you know where this is going right, so they started going much faster around the twistiest, with me right on there assssses.
Then we came up to a stop sign they kind of looked at each other and I knew what they were thinking. ( lets leave this little Fucck behind!
So as soon as they hammered it, I was on them like white on rice.
In about 20 sec. we were doing some were around 90 mph, and guess what. Yours truly was right on there tail. Ho Yea!
When we came up to the next stop , I gave the guy on the BMW a salute and he gave me a Oh Yea, good job look.
The guy in the Yamaha 1300 looked over and could not take his eyes off my ride.
Then he said to his friend " that thing really moves"
Yup, once again I made my mark.
I think I will coin the sentence, when they stare at her "582 cc fuel injected 527 lbs and automatic. The old mans ride"
And once again I realized, that this scooter is more than most people give it it credit for and absolutely blows most motorcycles away.