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» First impressions of the silver wing
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby RedRaider Yesterday at 9:57 pm

» From Dayton, Ohio
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby Darndts Yesterday at 8:20 pm

» Hello from Fort Worth,Tx
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby RedRaider Yesterday at 3:59 pm

» Drive faces
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:57 pm

» Mechanics in Los Angeles?
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby Whiteclay Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:45 pm

» V Belt Light
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:39 pm

» 2025 Silverwing 600!
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby MikeO Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:17 am

» Introducing ME
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby GHM-PM Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:21 am

» Mid-Ohio Parade Lap, Pro Football HOF Fail, Upstate NY
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby Tbear Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:50 am

» Slow gas leak
Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeby mavericksssrig Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:08 am

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 Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing

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5 posters
Kunamika Hopper
Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider
Kunamika Hopper

Number of posts : 47
Location : texas
Points : 1521
Registration date : 2020-09-18

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 03, 2023 5:18 pm

Hello all!

I'm not a regular poster here, but I've been on the forum since I bought my first swing in 2018; and had been lurking here since 2015 or so.

I don't really use social media or forums much, except to gather information, but I wanted to share this news with someone.

On 9/11, my lady and I were in an accident involving a crv and my swing. Both of us were injured, but, more importantly, my bike was totalled.

I had wanted a silverwing since around 2007, but I was too poor to get one, and I'd given up all hope of finding a new(ish) one after they discontinued them in the US (where I am).

However, in 2018, I found one on Craigslist. Pretty much new, with only 5000 garage kept miles, 2013, for only $3500. The guy who sold it to me was sketchy as all hell, and I was certain I wouldn't be able to get a title transfer, but I figured it was my only chance, so I handed over my cash, happily.

Fast forward to 9/11, someone doing deliveries decides to left turn cut through a parking lot last minute and veers into our oncoming lane without looking, and we hit head on.

I herniate 3 discs and the lady gets a fracture requiring surgery, but worse, my swings entire face has been destroyed, her forks twisted up, and her handle bars bent. I saw her lying in the ditch, while the lady screamed in pain in the middle of the road, and all I could think was "a salvage title isn't that bad".

But I knew I was lying to myself. I knew it was over, I knew insurance would never give me what she was worth, and I knew I'd never find one with less than 40,000 miles for $3500; if I ever found another one at all.

But, every day, as I'd done since 2015, I got on Craigslist, and I browsed the scooters, mopeds, and silverwing results; and just the very day after insurance paid out KBB, I found one.

A silver 2007, with 3100 miles, for $3500 dollars. I made the call, found a ride, and went to grab it.

Now, I had been in quite a bit of pain since the accident, but I've gotta say, the 90 minutes of interstate home was absolute bliss.

I only racked up 30,000 miles in the time I owned my first one, but I know it would have gone at least another 120, with all the knowledge everyone here has shared (were it not for the advent of smart phones and gig culture), and I thank you all (present and passed) for building the foundation for the hope to flip this ones odometer!

I don't know if the site domain is expiring, or what, but I just wanted to share that with y'all, just in case.
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Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 373
Age : 60
Location : Myrtle Beach, SC
Points : 1223
Registration date : 2022-05-31

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 03, 2023 7:44 pm

Very sorry to hear of the collision and more importantly, the injuries sustained. Glad you’re able to ride again and found a new SWing to ride- not sure what’s happening with the domain name thing, but we’re all still here.
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 209
Age : 77
Location : Tucson,AZ
Points : 3617
Registration date : 2015-06-13

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 04, 2023 9:19 am

Sorry to hear about your accident and glad you found a low mileage Swing. I myself was involved in an accident with my swing and bike was totaled but I received only scratches and a few bruises because of leather jacket and helmet. It took me ten weeks to get paid by insurance but happy with payment. Now I'm on my fifth swing and hopefully my last. Take care and hope you and your wife recover very soon....Al
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 5
Location : Florida
Points : 318
Registration date : 2023-11-05

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 05, 2023 7:33 am


At the risk of sounding like a vulture I'd like to know if you may still have the owner's manual from the wrecked Swing?

I am resurrecting an abused and neglected 2009 Swing.

Please let me know if you have a manual or service manual.

Thank you,

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Kunamika Hopper
Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider
Kunamika Hopper

Number of posts : 47
Location : texas
Points : 1521
Registration date : 2020-09-18

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 06, 2023 1:01 pm

Thank you all for the well wishes!
Bill, I do not still have the owners manual, however, if you've got plenty of paper and ink, you can find the service manual on here. There's a full pdf. I think it's the Haynes.
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Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 347
Age : 71
Location : Bristol, UK
Points : 985
Registration date : 2022-12-23

Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing   Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 07, 2023 5:37 pm

Hi Redfox.

Here's the Service Manual link.

Hope this helps.
Be safe, be seen!
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Bike was totalled, but I found a pretty much new swing
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