Yesterday I had a small window of nice weather here in Santa Barbara. It was about 68 deg. (02-10-10)
It all started, when I went looking around (for the lost three months) for other super scooters and found 6 in this small town of 98000.
There were two S/W 600 one Yamaha Birmingham 650 and one of the Piagios 400 that you are talking about.
We were able to get in a fantastic 3 1/2 hr. ride which included having pizza at the half way point. 72 deg.
While great to look at and I did not get a chance to ride, There was just no way the Piagio was able to keep up in the mountains with the S/W.
I also noticed that when the 650 Burnham was in front of me (which was not that often) that he kept shaking his hands and lowering them like he was getting major vibration through his handle bars.
We on the other hand felt like we (on the S/W) were ridding on a majic carpit.
OH and by the way, have you been told the price of one of those Piagios? How does $14,000 strike you?
I live my Silverwing more and more each time I ride it.
Of course after investing another $800.00 to make it just the way I like it's just a little bit better than stock.