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 Over The Moors And Far Away!

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Site Admin

Number of posts : 3840
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Location : Seaham, Co Durham, UK
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Registration date : 2009-06-29

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 7:02 am

Yesterday I had a lovely ride across the Yorkshire Moors, planned and led by Steve_h80 of this forum and who I encountered on Facebook earlier in the year. The starting point was the car-park at Hardwick Hall. I arrived ready to depart at 11.30. and the three of us - another welcoming rider from a Facebook group was there, too - set off in beautiful weather. Some of the clouds looked a bit threatening but managed to hold off except for a few spots of rain during the day. I didn't have a clue where we were going and I lost my bearings completely but the scenery and roads were spot-on as those who've been here will know. After and hour or so we stopped in a village - can't remember the name - at a little cafe selling take-away coffee. I suppose we were there for 20 minutes or so, maybe longer, then set off again. Conveniently, close to the cafe were public loos. We rode and rode through more glorious scenery along some much higher and narrower roads; we were definitely 'on' the moors! Helmsley was the next stop. Riding with people who know the area well is always a bonus; we parked close to but not in the Market Square, thus avoiding parking fees. Steve - ride leader - and I chose to visit the Bakery to buy pasties and things while Graeme stopped at the Chippy. We sat, socially one metre apart, on a bench beneath the statue in the middle of the square. Lunch eaten, loos were visited, and we set off again. I lost track of time, as one does, enjoying the views and the challenge of riding on some narrow and steep country lanes. Steve set a good pace so I was very comfortable. We passed signs to places I've heard of but never visited, one of which was Ampleforth, and a few I had been to in the dim and distant past, Riveaux being one of them. What I didn't know was that there was a third big abbey along with Riveaux and Fountains, namely Byland. This was our third and last stop. We parked and wandered into the ruins, finding benches where more chat happened. Rested, we walked back to the bikes and said farewells; Steve lives somewhere up there while both Graeme and I live further North; how much further I didn't realise until we all hit the A19 with a sign saying 'Sunderland 50 miles'! Steve peeled off after a few miles while I followed Graeme, who set a brisk pace, up to the first 'Seaham' turn-off. I 'turned off' waving and leaving Graeme to travel on to Sunderland. I arrive home just before 5.00., tired but having had a most enjoyable day. There will be more in due course. Thanks to Steve for planning and leading - not always the most enjoyable task - and to Steve and Graeme for making me so welcome, helping me manoeuvre the very heavy Silverwing on very steep ground and general putting up with me. Here's to the next one.
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Site Admin

Number of posts : 3840
Age : 75
Location : Seaham, Co Durham, UK
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Registration date : 2009-06-29

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 7:12 am

If you want to find the named places on Google Maps, here are the post-codes:

Hardwick Park TS21 2DN

Helmsley YO62 5BL (the bakers' in the town)

Byland Abbey YO61 4BD (website:
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 3:06 pm

Thanks for the kind words Mike.
If there is anyone else out there in the north east of England (County Durham) who wants to join the next ride get in touch.
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Site Admin

Number of posts : 3840
Age : 75
Location : Seaham, Co Durham, UK
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Registration date : 2009-06-29

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 14, 2020 3:14 pm

Sincerely meant, Steve; it was a first-class day out and confirmed to me that riders of maxiscooters meld very quickly and easily.
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Visiting Curmudgeon

Number of posts : 4225
Location : York, North Yorkshire, England UK
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Registration date : 2010-11-16

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2020 5:44 am

So, riding down from the Land of the Prince Bishops into North Yorkshire and it seems you enjoyed it. The Square in Helmsley is a popular meeting place for bikers especially on Sundays. North Yorkshire Police dispersed a large group of bikers gathering on a car park on a Sunday there in the middle of lockdown due to complaints from locals.

I sometimes get me gear on and have an evening ride round the area in the summer months.

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Site Admin

Number of posts : 3840
Age : 75
Location : Seaham, Co Durham, UK
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Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2020 6:37 am

I certainly did, thank you.
It wasn't my first ride on the moors having spent an X9 weekend based in Whitby.
I also strayed over from Gale in the car when I was staying in my godmother's cottage there.
Steve remarked that Helmsley is a popular bikers' haunt and I can see why; there were quite a few present on Monday.

I'm beginning to discover the good places to aim for.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Location : Teesdale, UK
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Registration date : 2016-05-15

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15, 2020 2:29 pm

And Dick Turpin was there ensuring everyone in the square paid to park.
I took them over the backroads Meldrew, via Osmotherly and Hawnby but avoided the Caydale ford, I'm sure you know the one. Far more interesting than the usual Helmsley TT route.
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Visiting Curmudgeon

Number of posts : 4225
Location : York, North Yorkshire, England UK
Points : 9475
Registration date : 2010-11-16

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2020 11:03 am

They hanged Dick Turpin here in York in 1739 on a gallows at the Knavesmire, near York Racecourse.  A labourer dug his body up and sold to to a doctor to do some medical anatomy on. When the good folk of York found out they were enraged,  they recovered the body for a churchyard burial, and gave the doctor a jolly good talking too.

One of his descendants was Ben Turpin that cross eyed dude with the Hitler moustache that appeared in those early Hal Roach silent films, not a lot of people know that.  (I've just made that up.) 😷

I'd never heard of Caydale Ford before, but I know now it's quite unique in that it follows the course of a stream, usually fording a stream is just crossing it. I might have actually have ridden it in my Silver Wing days and thought it was just a stretch of flooded road

p.s. How that pic of Ben Turpin has appeared on my post I've no idea.

Admin edit:

Over The Moors And Far Away! 6dd82910  Does have a bit of a stretched neck look. Doesn’t he?
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Number of posts : 3840
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Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2020 12:36 pm

Very interesting, thank you.

My secondary school was sited next to the old A1 where it crossed Finchley Common, or what was left of it. In days gone by it was a very dangerous place for travellers.

The second verse of the School Song begins:

'Where once Dick Turpin plied his trade,
And nightly held the Northern Way
Now Fancy spreads her azure wings,
And science holds majestic sway;'

I was relieved Steve avoided the ford; a few years ago I fell off whilst negotiating one and became trapped under the scooter - not good!
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 1039
Location : Teesdale, UK
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Registration date : 2016-05-15

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2020 2:41 pm

It was a ford hidden round the back of the Cheviot that had me off MikeO, one of the first rides on me Tenere that was. It looked innocuous enough been only a few inches deep, slow flowing and with a flat concrete base. I now know that means slime with the frictional coefficient of sweet bugger all!
The caydale ford is a similar depth and bottom, but quite a bit longer. Fun in a car, a bit scary on two wheels.
Another good ford for those with no sense is the Boogle Hole near Robin Hoods Bay in North Yorkshire. From memory that's a little more bikeable because the bottomed is regular riverbed - rocks and gravel. I've been through it in a car and would have a go on a lightweight bog bike, but not on a the Tenere or Scootie.
If anyone is interested in giving them a go let me know and I'll turn up with a camera.
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Site Admin

Number of posts : 3840
Age : 75
Location : Seaham, Co Durham, UK
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Registration date : 2009-06-29

Over The Moors And Far Away! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Over The Moors And Far Away!   Over The Moors And Far Away! I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2020 3:20 pm

I think it's the concrete that causes the problem, Steve, as we discussed last Monday.

The one that had me off is on Malting Lane in the village of Braughing, Hertfordshire.,0.0261626,3a,75y,277.04h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sFkHvtZsqp05lwc5cpa6RZQ!2e0!!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en-GB
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