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 Think Bike marshal modifications

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2 posters
Mighty Mouse
Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider
Mighty Mouse

Number of posts : 117
Location : South Africa
Points : 2888
Registration date : 2017-05-03

Think Bike marshal modifications Empty
PostSubject: Think Bike marshal modifications   Think Bike marshal modifications I_icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 6:55 am

Hi all, herewith some answers to questions posed in my intro paragraph. Everybody loves pictures, so here's mine. The old girl is loaded up with strobe lights to warn traffic away from racing cyclists/runners/bikers. Front lights are 3 phase; brights, dims and strobes - a Chinese import but works perfectly. We had to do some fancy wiring to get it all working just right as the 2 strobes have built in mechanisms and tend to get out of sync regularly! The rear strobes are just on a separate switch of their own.
Think Bike marshal modifications IMG_2865_zpsiysigoxi

The marshals gathered at the successful completion of a 2-day cycling event. Motorbikes of all kinds and shapes.....
Think Bike marshal modifications IMG_2587_zpszlxbgtlo
Think Bike marshal modifications IMG_2853_zpslhmu4jfn

My 2 babies - the 2nd is a SYM (Sanyung Motors) 300cc from Taiwan. Sold that one with 60 000 miles on her!
Think Bike marshal modifications Front_zpsxuljh87c

Somebody was asking about my numberplate flipper. That I bought online from
After at least 65 000 miles of happy smiles, many of the little levers have worn out and the motor I replaced several times, but it is still working! TLC.

Otherwise I have this nifty little gadget which functions just as well as an expensive cruise control. Sold locally in SA.
Think Bike marshal modifications E2234321-ee29-4ce2-873f-956f6e001426_zps541d49ec

Standard Oxford Heated Grips for winter temperatures which sit around zero centigrade (sometimes lower) and finally - the Givi Airflow screen which I have just ordered! Need I say this is the best scoot I have owned so far - and I have had several over 30 years of happy riding. Smile
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Bash On!
Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 252
Location : Dallas, Texas
Points : 3634
Registration date : 2015-08-24

Think Bike marshal modifications Empty
PostSubject: Re: Think Bike marshal modifications   Think Bike marshal modifications I_icon_minitimeWed May 24, 2017 8:43 am

Nice setup, and great shots, Mighty Mouse!

I've done bike race and event marshaling for many years.  Last bike used was a Kawasaki police bike, KZ1000P.  Big four-way flashers to which I added Federal brand strobes-facing both front and sides.  The Federals were a little expensive but I knew they would last.

Also added two VHF/UHF radios and a PA system.  On the police bike it was easy to do so as it still had a big radio box on the back and lots of places to mount multiple antennas.

The Kawa was getting a bit old, though, so replaced it with the SW.  Haven't had the energy to get the SW outfitted yet but posts like yours give me encouragement!
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