Number of posts : 2 Age : 41 Location : Upstate NY Points : 3939 Registration date : 2014-04-08
Subject: errant clock Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:11 pm
Hi! Last year I purchased a used 2002 SWing that only had about 2,000 miles on it. It runs great! My only "problem", annoyance really, is that every time I start 'er up, the clock shows 1:00AM. How can I fix this?
JeffR_ Site Admin
Number of posts : 1103 Age : 65 Location : Bay Area, Ca Points : 9129 Registration date : 2010-05-12
That's mighty strange. The clock circuit is part of the Meter Control board. Usually the clock will default to 12:00 and the Trip odometers default to zero if the battery is disconnected or the Meter Panel is disconnected. But the clock remains running and the trip odos retain their miles if the ignition switch is turned OFF.
Why your clock defaults to 1:00 is puzzling. Do your trip odos zero out as well? If so then possibly you may have a problem with the ignition switch breaking the circuit to the Meter board. if the odos retain their miles and the clock resets then you might have to check with your Honda dealer service manager orntech to see if there is a service bulletin issued for that problem.
In any case, please let us know what the resolution may be.
Last minute thought: Check for a loose or corroded connection at the 16pin/12pin wire harness connection at the front side of the Meter Control board. Youll have to remove the windshield garnish (the W shaped panel) to see that plug.
dspevack Silver Wing Guru
Number of posts : 2008 Age : 59 Location : Miami, FL Points : 8265 Registration date : 2008-12-27
JeffR- thats an awful lot of moving! What do you propose I do when I need to cross oceans/deserts/tundras?
Cosmic Jumper- The trip odometer also resets to 0.0 every time, yes. I'll have to figure out what the meter control board is and the removal of such tomorrow. I'm a little bit excited. I'm a first time bike owner and I did my very first 2-wheeler oil change today (thank you, forum, for the pointers!) I'm hoping I can also fix that little issue myself as well.
dspevack- it defaults to 1:00am.
Thank you all for your suggestions!
jmaslak Super Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 252 Location : Golden, CO, USA Points : 4864 Registration date : 2012-06-15