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 Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255

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Colin B
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 6:49 pm

I have looked at my service manual and searched this site and I don't see anything about a way to check the fork oil. I think there is a little too much give (but I'm not sure) in the front forks. I don't seem to have any leaks but I'd like to be able to check to make sure it has the correct amount of fork oil. Is there a way to check that?
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2013 7:22 pm

Yep,workshop manual FJS6001,section 14-16 says...

Pour the specified amount of recommended fork fluid in the fork tube.

302 +/- 2.5 cm3(10.2 =/- 0.08 US oz)

Slowly pump the fork tube several times to remove trapped air.
Compress the fork tube fully & measure the oil level from the top of the tube.

OIL LEVEL : 97mm(3.8in)

Pull the fork tube up fully.Install the spring with the tightly wound end facing down.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 6:44 am

Can someone please explain the thread title to me, I'm a little confused!Smile 

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Colin B
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Colin B

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 10:00 am

Fundermold, it refery mostload to oil leaky squirt squirt and loss of springy bounce on front wheel loader.

Oh yes.

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Super Scooter Rider
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 12:29 pm

I appreciate the replies, but that only tells me how to change it. How do I determine if I NEED to add some or change it?

Also, the title was kind of a joke because of the requirement that titles be a certain length and my inabaility to read WHY the thing didn't post the first few times.
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john grinsel
john grinsel

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 3:43 pm

New bike don't worry about it----then at 50,000 miles--take fork legs off, turn over to drain, proper amount of oil, the right kind. Old bike try the 50,000 mile deal. OEM Honda hop manual handy I nice. I use gaiters to protect seals.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 4:06 pm

smorkle wrote:

Also, the title was kind of a joke because of the requirement that titles be a certain length and my inabaility to read WHY the thing didn't post the first few times.

Understand it now.

Could of used 'My_Forking_Oil' Laughing 

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Silver Wing Expert
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 4:54 pm

smorkle wrote:
How do I determine if I NEED to add some or change it?

See post from 'The Bren', since you need to remove each fork you might as well replace the oil while you are there...

The Bern wrote:
Yep,workshop manual FJS6001,section 14-16 says...

Slowly pump the fork tube several times to remove trapped air.
Compress the fork tube fully & measure the oil level from the top of the tube.

OIL LEVEL : 97mm(3.8in)
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 9:13 pm

Is there then no way to check it without removing and disassembling it?
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2013 9:16 pm

Yes there is there then no way to check it without removing and disassembling it.
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Scooter Rider
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 1:29 pm

model28a wrote:
Yes there is there then no way to check it without removing and disassembling it.

Couldn't you just measure down that 97mm or is it impossible to take the tube caps off and replace them while in the bike?
I'm interested in this topic as would like to replace my fork oil, but seems like pulling fork tubes out is extreme.
Know what the stock vis oil is (can't seem to find, manual just says Honda oil part no.)?
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255   Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255 I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 26, 2013 3:03 pm

stanly,you will need to pull the forks from the yolk as the measurement is taken with the springs removed from the fork leg
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Fork Oil and then enough charicters to reach between 10 and 255
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