Today my fianceé and I rode up to Conception Abby which is in North West Missouri. She has a relative that was an abbot there in the 60's and 70's and who is buried there at the cemetery.
We drove past a huge wind farm and we stopped and ate lunch at King city, MO at Friend's Restaurant. They served us a HUGE pork tenderloin sandwich. I couldn't eat the entire thing! Really good food.
Now I'm not Catholic, but let me tell you Conception Abby is worth the visit. It's unbelievably gorgeous. The cathedral is really something to see. The pictures I have of it do not do it justice. It is something you must see with your own 2 eyes to really understand.
Put 215 miles on the scooter and it was a wonderful fall day to ride.
All of the pictures I took can be found here:
A map of our ride can be found here: