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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:57 pm

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeby Whiteclay Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:45 pm

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeby zrx212 Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:39 pm

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeby GHM-PM Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:21 am

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 Why move to a regular motorcycle????

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john grinsel
Bash On!
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Scooter Rider
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 3:28 pm

My riding a motorcycle is very limited and a very long time ago. Since I've been on scooters.

A lot of times when I stop to get gas or just park in a place where there are a lot of people I have someone come up to me and ask -- how fast can that go? 45? Or then the question I get is "you could have gotten a regular motorcycle for the money you spent on that thing". My question I ask back is "why?" What possible advantage is there to having a motorcycle? I've driven truck in my youth and don't have any desire to shift gears and my Silverwing can go as fast as I'd ever want to go. Also I'm very compy on my scooter for long trips. And I've ridden cross country with mine.
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Bash On!
Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 3:33 pm

The other bikes are not "regular motorcycles;" they are "irregular scooters."
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john grinsel
john grinsel

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 3:52 pm

I like scooters....if they work well....SilverWing for the most part does.

As motorcyclist for 60 years, over 1.5 million miles-----but since 1968, most always had scooter in the garage---4 Vespas, plus 9 Maxiscooters. often also a small displacement motorcycle,too---sold my TU250 Suzuki this spring.

Have no need for another bike---bought, used everything from HD factory sidecar outfit on down, never a GoldWing though nor real desire to ride a tank, had Kawasaki 4 cyl Voyager=wonderful barge, but great performance, wonderful features like top opening saddle bags and ability to be tipped on side without hurting anything.

Funny when I lived in Germany with new BMWR80RT in garage either my 150 Vespa, or MZ 250 solo or MZ sidecar outfit were my choice for my own vacation rides.

Enjoy your scooter. my next 2 wheeler will probably be scooter.
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 15, 2015 8:41 pm

I'm riding again thanks to my S'Wing, the G'Wing got a bit heavy and shifting ANY motorcycle with my feet is way to much of a chore and awkward. As far as what I ride?" couldn't care less what the others think I know what I've done and I know what I want to do, NOT SHIFT.
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Silver Wing Rider
Silver Wing Rider

Number of posts : 418
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Location : Mt Prospect IL 30 miles west of Chicago
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Why move to a regular motorcycle????    Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2015 1:37 am

The most often asked questions I here when out of state.

How did you get here.   Answer    I sent it by UPS.
How fast does it go.      Answer    The legal speed limit
What kind of mileage     Answer   Honest 50 MPG      
Howard      chickendance
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2015 6:18 am

oldgwingguy wrote:
I'm riding again thanks to my S'Wing, the G'Wing got a bit heavy and shifting ANY motorcycle with my feet is way to much of a chore and awkward. As far as what I ride?" couldn't care less what the others think I know what I've done and I know what I want to do, NOT SHIFT.

I wholeheartedly agree with you, everyone should ride whatever two ( or three ) wheels suit them best.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2008
Age : 59
Location : Miami, FL
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Registration date : 2008-12-27

Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2015 9:06 am

Whenever I was questioned by a motorcyclist, I would always follow up my answer with,

"Why, are you looking to upgrade?"

It either gets a laugh or stops the stupid questions.
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Site Admin

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 16, 2015 9:29 am

dspevack wrote:
Whenever I was questioned by a motorcyclist, I would always follow up my answer with,

"Why, are you looking to upgrade?"

Speaking of upgrades; Dan,

How are you getting on with your jurassic scooter?

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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2008
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Location : Miami, FL
Points : 8143
Registration date : 2008-12-27

Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 12:29 am

Cosmic_Jumper wrote:
Speaking of upgrades; Dan,
How are you getting on with your jurassic scooter?

You mean the Batbike?
Why move to a regular motorcycle???? IMG_1519_zpsw3adspbw
Relocated the right foot brake to left hand so brake controls are like the silverwing. Changed the exhaust.
Added a center stand, top case, heated grips, higher windshield, stebel horn, and accent lighting.
That was the first round of upgrades.
Before the end of the month I will be adding driving lights, boat docking lights,
Why move to a regular motorcycle???? SDG-405950
charging readout, TPMS, alarm, head and tail light flashers, self canceling turn signal, a powered waterproof mount for my phone, and another for my GPS. I haven't figured out where to mount the cup holder.

You're probably asking yourself "Why boat docking lights?"
My latest innovation.  Mount the docking lights low and forward on each side near the front of the cowl.
Each one will brightly illuminate about 15 feet  in a 90 degree arc from side to front of the bike.
This makes it perfect for slow speed maneuvering and parking on unfamiliar terrain, grass, dirt, gravel, mud etc.
I had mine powdercoated black to blend in with the bike.

Driving lights are from  
I got the Darla model:
24 watts consumption each (on high).
2" diameter. 7 ounces. Fully dimmable.
High power!  2000+ lumens each!

No matter what I do though, it will never have the storage capacity of the Silverwing. Crying or Very sad

Last edited by dspevack on Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert

Number of posts : 876
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 6:37 am

Dspevac the bike looks good. Like the Darla driving lights. However I don't see em on the bike?
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2008
Age : 59
Location : Miami, FL
Points : 8143
Registration date : 2008-12-27

Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 8:20 am

hotwings wrote:
Dspevack the bike looks good. Like the Darla driving lights. However I don't see em on the bike?

Its not the end of the month yet!

Read carefully. That's part of the coming round of upgrades.

I'm just waiting on the TPMS. Parts should be here around the 28th.
Then the mechanic gets back to cursing the bike and starting work.
(Taking off the Tupperware is an intricate process.)
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 27
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 17, 2015 11:46 am

Ah an NM4, I looked at those with much intrigue and curiosity.

Yeah, not much storage, but digital everything, and a glorified SWing with all the ammenities, like dual clutch, a "chain", and "larger wheels"!!!

I have heard that the fuel gauge leaves something to be desired though...

Nice bike, congratulations!
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2015 1:54 pm

I have both and like both. My other machine is a Honda Shadow Aero 750. It's a great machine when you feel like riding a "traditional" bike. Also very reliable and economical, easy to care for, know, a Honda. I think the Shadow is slightly more comfortable than the SWing.

My default bike, however, is the SWing, for many, many reasons. One of the main reasons is that I am starting to develop problems with my left knee and ankle, making it more and more difficult to use a manual shift.

I've been riding the SWing for quite awhile now, so I don't get real excited when people question me about it at the gas station or wherever. I simply tell them about the bike's capabilities, show them the underseat storage and clue them in that I've used the SWing to tour into northern California and central Oregon and Washington. I remember in one case, a guy on a Harley and I were talking at a gas station and I went through the rigamarole above...he was incredulous that the SWing could be used as a touring bike and was also good on the freeway or interstate. He was suitably impressed and pretty complimentary. Education and open minds are the key and we must be good stewards of our machines as well...
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 72
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 22, 2015 7:06 pm

I now own my third SW. I've ridden it from NY to Texas and from NY to Georgia. I've done many scooter miles. I have also had two Helix and two 50cc scooters. Along the way I have also had most of the Honda line, all the way up to a Goldwing. This summer I bought a 2008 Honda ST1300, just for a change of pace, to add some excitement to my riding. I have to tell is quite a machine. When I am perched upon the ST, it feels like I am riding an extremely powerful and stable steed, and it holds it's line in the turns like it's on rails. I love being on it. With that said, the SW is also quite a machine, I still own mine, (getting a new belt tomorrow:). They are just two different animals. Both are very capable of touring and anything else. But while the SW is lighter and better around town, the ST cannot be beat on the interstate. It dominates the road, pulls like a locomotive, and is, they say, as reliable as an anvil. I am a lucky man to have these two great bikes. I never thought I would go back to a regular motorcycle, but now that I've added this to my garage, I have no regrets. If they made it in an automatic, now that would be super....dan
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2658
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 12:45 am

I felt the same way when I had both my Goldwing and Silverwing.
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Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert

Number of posts : 757
Location : New Brunswick, Canada
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Registration date : 2013-06-27

Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 8:40 am

I got my SWing as a replacement for my ACE 750. For a while I had both but was favoring the SWing. I sold the 750 and regretted it immediately. I got a VT 1100 Tourer that was going for a good price. I was happy again that I could pick from two different ride qualities and shifting again. This summer I got a Helix, and it is a totally different beast from the other two. I rotate thru them and have no qualms jumping on any of them.
However, lately, I have an elbow injury that is making it difficult to maneuver the big Tourer when not under power. Whilst both the SWing and the VT are advertised for sale, I am not parting with them if I don't get my bottom price. I am looking at getting a Big Ruckus or a Pacific coast. I don't believe in having many wives, but a stable of motorcycles is fair game.
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 72
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Location : Long Island, New York
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 10:33 am

Just my opinion but I had a pacific coast and it was my least favorite bike...very underpowered, frustrating...d
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2658
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Location : Medford, Oregon
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PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 6:36 pm

Seems to me that if the SW was too much bother to handle a Pacific Coast would be worse.
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Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert

Number of posts : 757
Location : New Brunswick, Canada
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Why move to a regular motorcycle???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 8:12 am

The SW is a tad too tall, and I find it a tad top heavy. The top heaviness could be rectified with a modern battery. The VT is heavy and manoeuvering it around the yard is a pain. Bad left elbow and bum left foot !!!
I might not like the PC as a rider. Not seen one up close or sat on one. I just like the looks and reviews and that it has all the amenities of the SW to boot, pun intended.
All the same, I am not unhappy with the SW, just looking for variety, the very essence of riding.
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 80
Location : Hudson Valley NY
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Registration date : 2015-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 8:27 am

I've lusted over a Pacific Coast. Then I saw one up close and personal. If you think the SW is tall and heavy forget a PC. Go with a Helix if you want that trunk configuration.
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Super Scooter Rider
Super Scooter Rider

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PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 4:12 pm

[quote="cotetoi"]The SW is a tad too tall, and I find it a tad top heavy. The top heaviness could be rectified with a modern battery.

Are you serious? The difference in weight between a standard and lithium battery is not even 7 pounds. On a scooter that weighs over 550 pound with out rider, topcase etc. that is hardly a critical factor. Yes the Silverwing is heavy, but top heavy??????????????

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Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert

Number of posts : 757
Location : New Brunswick, Canada
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Registration date : 2013-06-27

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PostSubject: Re: Why move to a regular motorcycle????   Why move to a regular motorcycle???? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 26, 2015 6:45 pm

And I do have a Helix, love it. Love my SW too, and the VT. I am arguing with anyone: my perceptions are all mine.
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Why move to a regular motorcycle????
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