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 Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)

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7 posters
Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 104
Age : 71
Location : Folkston, GA
Points : 3873
Registration date : 2014-09-07

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2015 5:10 pm


Yesterday, against my better judgment, (which was later verified by my wife) I allowed my 16 year old grandson to "take a spin".  In order to avoid a small dog, which survived (unfortunately); but to my chagrin, he put the bike down in the ditch.  Came running home WITHOUT the bike, bleeding from some road rash on the ankle and knee.  Needs several plastic body parts (Grandson does too) - just can't seem to find a good source for them.  I'm out in the country, 50 miles from most anywhere, just want to get them mail ordered and on the way. Even knocked up the Givi Box some too.

YES I learned my lesson - I'm sure he did too.  Death to Fido.

05 Swing, non ABS. Got it used, it came bright yellow. Not exactly a factory color as I later found out.

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Site Admin

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Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2015 5:48 pm

Never was a yellow Silverwing so you are going to be hard pressed to get a color match. has some very attractive replacement part prices. I'm not sure what the original color of the '05 is, but I do know that an '04 is kind of silver. So if you order light color panels then it may be easier to spray over a color to match.

You can also check for panels on eBay --panels fit all years, only difference is color.

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Silver Wing Rider
Silver Wing Rider

Number of posts : 418
Age : 87
Location : Mt Prospect IL 30 miles west of Chicago
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Registration date : 2010-03-03

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Today at 5:10 pm    Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2015 11:24 pm

Never mind the yellow body body parts this should be a lesson for all. I hope you gave a special thanks to the Good Lord. Howard
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2085
Age : 71
Location : St.Pete.FL.
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Registration date : 2010-02-03

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 18, 2015 11:52 pm

welcome Jon welcome to the forum. It would be nice if you went Here and introduced yourself.  Then you'd get a proper welcome from the forum members. I'm glad to hear your grandson wasn't hurt badly. Your scooter can be fixed a lot cheaper than your grandson, and less painful too.
I think Tim is right about looking for parts on eBay, the year don't matter. You're going to be painting them anyhow so why spend for brand new parts. 
If you want to learn about your Silverwing and if you plan on doing your own maintenance you'll find you can do anything you need or want with the service manual and help from this forum.
I add the paragraph below for most new members because there's a lot of information in the links and may save you some work.
Here are some links(3 below in blue)that will help you learn a lot about your Silverwing. If you can't find what you need in the links below the search on this forum works good, and if you still need help just ask and someone will do what they can to answer your questions.

Maintenance, Tips and Hints
Maintenance "Pictorials"
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 81
Location : Medford, Oregon
Points : 8411
Registration date : 2009-07-17

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 19, 2015 1:01 am

Check out the price of new parts before going to eBay. That way you won't overbid, I've seen lots of used parts on eBay go for more than new. Motogrid, Honda Direct Line and Partzilla are all good sources of Honda OEM parts.
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 20
Points : 5028
Registration date : 2011-03-26

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2015 3:34 pm

I've had great luck with bike Excellent experience every time and reasonable to boot.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 2658
Age : 81
Location : Medford, Oregon
Points : 8411
Registration date : 2009-07-17

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 08, 2015 6:14 pm

When ordering OWM parts I check two or three vendors prices. They will vary, one might be cheaper for a given part than another. Look up a different part and the higher priced place for the first part might be lower. Also watch out for shipping charges, they vary quite a bit depending on who you're ordering the parts from.

I just checked Bike Bandit, Motogrid and Partszilla for a red (150U) right side body cover for a '04 Silverwing. In that case Partzilla was $20 less than Bike Bandit and about $15 or so less than Motogrid. I didn't compare shipping costs so that might make a difference. I've done business with all three of those and Honda Direct Line. I prefer Partszilla for their customer service if anything goes astray or arrives damaged.
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Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 181
Location : Somewhere outside of the box
Points : 5558
Registration date : 2010-04-04

Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)   Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 09, 2015 7:38 pm

If you can find out the location of the vendor, that helps with figuring in the cost of shipping. I'm here in SE Michigan and get my parts from since they are in Hammond IN. and very often have a lower cost for parts. Sometimes though, out of Clarksville IN. has a better deal when considering shipping cost for me. on the other hand has higher prices typically than a lot, if not most other Honda parts vendors that I've encountered. And they are in Calif. So it often makes sense to buy closer to home if you can.
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Mail Order Body Parts (the "tupperware" ones)
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