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» Thining out my riding gear after 70 years,,,but of course still riding
Then and now I_icon_minitimeby john grinsel Wed Dec 04, 2024 10:10 am

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 Then and now

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4 posters
Touring Scooter Rider
Touring Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 321
Age : 68
Location : Belgium
Points : 4871
Registration date : 2012-08-30

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 5:33 am

I've turned 56 recently and bought my first moped aged 16, which means I've been riding motorized two-wheelers (and the odd three-wheeler) for fourty years now.

In 1972 there was no helmet law for mopeds (in Belgium), so when I wanted to go out for a ride, I just had to get out of the door, swing my leg over, and kick the machine to live.
In 2012 there are so many patronising laws, that I need a quarter of an hour before I am able to press the 'starter' button: change my jeans for protective trousers, put on my mc-boots, get into my protector-filled reflective mc-jacket, put on my helmet and gloves, and we 're ready to go...

In 1972 my peanut-brain wouldn't worry about riding in rain, sleet, snow or whatever. The only worry in 1972 was to have enough cash to pay for the leaded two-stroke fuel. (0.44€/L)
In 2012 my peanut brain will worry about the weather and temperature. I will check the internet to see if no thunderstorm is in sight, look up where there are traffic jams, and still worry about that same fuel bill, albeit it is environmentally friendly leadfree nowadays. (1.70€/L)

In 1972 I would have a faint idea of where I was going to and in case I got lost, I would ask for directions.
In 2012 I'm still the same as four decades ago: no GPS on my bike, but I do carry a map under the seat.

In 1972 I would enjoy the vibrations, the noise and the smell (castor oil...) of the bike, I would enjoy the wind in my hair and face.
In 2012 I still enjoy the vibrations, the noise and smell of my Silverwing... but my hair has long gone.

In 1972 I felt free as a bird up in the sky on my moped - and in 2012 I still do.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 1298
Age : 76
Location : Matheson, Ontario, Canada
Points : 6149
Registration date : 2011-11-29

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 6:47 am

I started in 1970 with 2 honda trail 90cc,no helmet , bush riding . ln the Late 70 had my first street bike 500 Kawy triple 2 stroke. Helmet manditory. My hands went num very quick . Got the scare of my life when going 85 mph in a curve and had wheel lockup .I parked it for 2 years then sold it. Went back to Honda and been there ever since,Xsept for a Piaggio 250 MP3 for 3 months. motorcycle
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john grinsel
john grinsel

Number of posts : 3325
Age : 85
Points : 9500
Registration date : 2009-08-18

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PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 9:54 am

Then 1955 Travis Bike motor--$12, followed by HD 125 @ $125, even trade later for HD WLA 45-----this year 20,000 miles on myBurgman 400 (new) and maybe 5,000 miles on my NT700V.
Inbetween everything from new HD Sidecar outfit, BMW's from 1958, Japanese, Vespas. Of Maxi scooters 4 Helix/1 ReFlex/1 TMAX/2 Burgman 400/1 SilverWing---favorite of the rubber band drive scooter=Helix, nice trunk/easy valve adjustment/little or no trouble/easy belt change, most miles 50,000 at trade. Other Helix traded at about the 36,000 mile mark.

Now---thinking of next year---scooter, maybe Vespa GTS300 as front carrier makes them easy to camp/travel with.Also can consider Burgman 650 @ $10,000, Have found new SilverWing @ $7800 leftover,Majesty @$6800, Vespa @ $6,000----left over NT700Honda @ ???they are good bikes, offering buffet free riding compared to current crop of maxiscooter except Vespa.

I have always used bikes/scooters as my prime transport, never a break----went one 15 or so year period where I never bought anything that I couldn't carry home on bike. Great living. Amazing what you can carry. Lived outside US 40 years---blessed with jobs that required lots of road travel....and got paid to do it on my bike/scooter. Really upset the married mafia that runs the US Military and DOD.

But bikes/scooters are not cheap transport in US. Leased Hyundai Accent would be cheaper and have a/c, heater, radio.

Have owned BMW/NSU/Maico/Tohatsu/Daelim/Suzuki/Yamaha/MZ/HD/Indian(real US Springfield made)/Honda/Kawsaki/Triumph/Royal Enfield/Vespa and maybe some I have forgotten or want to forget......present day Honda being among the better.

To me riding is the deal----wish US market stuff came with longer/better warranties------one other thing in today's sad economic climate try to support your local dealers, keeping them in business.

At 73 I see motorcycling/scooter changing in US----idiots trailering their bikes---recent 1400 mile,cold trip to MI, even saw an idiot with GoldWing Trike with it on trailer. Hope in the future people ride more.-----one thing I and just about everybody who is getting older is should think about------how easy is it (bike/scooter) to get up on lift?? SilverWing fine for me, NT700V about heavyest I want to deal with.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 1711
Age : 75
Location : Belmont, Perth WA
Points : 8177
Registration date : 2009-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 10:14 am

250 single 2 stroke?

Sort of reminisent of a Honda Dream's flared Guards and pressed steel frame?

I had a freind with one back in 67/68. It went OK but I' never heard of or seen one since.
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john grinsel
john grinsel

Number of posts : 3325
Age : 85
Points : 9500
Registration date : 2009-08-18

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 10:25 am

Tohatsu RunPet 50cc- I don't think they ever made above 125. Outboards now. RunPet 50's were about that fast if their time---racing, piston life of little over 20 mins, crankshaft at one hour....but they went like hell in scrambles could run with the 125's.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 1711
Age : 75
Location : Belmont, Perth WA
Points : 8177
Registration date : 2009-01-19

Then and now Empty
PostSubject: Re: Then and now   Then and now I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 10:34 am

Your post has inspired me to look harder John.
This was a typical Japanese bike of the late 50's
and I can say that I actually rode it.
here is a link

Ugly as sin but went hard for a single 250. The owner thought it was the best bike on earth.
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