Ghost_rider Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 64 Age : 61 Location : houston texas Points : 5792 Registration date : 2009-01-12
| Subject: Do i need the rollers Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:16 pm | |
| Guys I just come back from the Honda to cuzz i needed the drivebelt and clutch assembly. From what they told me at the parts desk is that there are NO rollers anymore. I do have the skimatic showing the weight assembly and NO rollers. Is this right? i paid $145 belt and the assembly was$75 OUCH prices have gone way up.. BUT my question is do i need to hve the rollers in with the clutch assembly??? My bike DOES have the rollers is there something that the dealer did NOT have to sell me?? ALL toll i paid $238 bucks with tax. Do i need to go to another deaaler to get the rollers??? Ghost rider Greg |
NWSSC Silver Wing Rider
Number of posts : 418 Age : 86 Location : Mt Prospect IL 30 miles west of Chicago Points : 5777 Registration date : 2010-03-03
| Subject: Re: Do i need the rollers Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:52 pm | |
| Well first off what year S/W do you have and the mileage? It does not make to much difference on the age but how many miles you have to determine the maintenance you need.If the parts person did not know about the rollers, you need to find some one else.The rollers are pictured(they are in the drive face assembly) in the shop manual section 10 page 8.It would be helpful to clean them up. No lubrication is needed,they should left dry. As for the clutch it should be removed(by a competent mechanic)and all the clutch shoe dust should be cleaned out.No special tool are needed.The clutch assembly has a small bearing inside(called a torrington bearing)and it should be lubricated.I use high temperature wheel bearing grease,It does not need too much lubricate.I think you will find some other discussion on this bearing in this forum.Good luck. Howard |
Ghost_rider Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 64 Age : 61 Location : houston texas Points : 5792 Registration date : 2009-01-12
| Subject: Re: Do i need the rollers Wed Oct 03, 2012 2:09 am | |
| Howard I have a 04 abs model with 49.200 miles on it. Wild west honda out in Katy tx. did NOT have the rollers and they did NOT know about the rollers.. However a few years back i did go to the dealer sameone and i did get the rollers from them. I even asked one of the service guys about the rollers and he is NOT familer with the silveerwing scooters.. I kind of figured i would need to call another dealer and see IF they can come up with the rollers. thanks for the feedback I will call stubbs powersports in the morning. Ghost rider Greg Houston tx. usa |
acworthpatrick Maxi-Scooter Rider
Number of posts : 141 Age : 44 Location : Acworth, GA Points : 5081 Registration date : 2011-03-28
| Subject: Re: Do i need the rollers Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:43 am | |
| Well he was probably thinking you were asking about rollers in the clutch assembly which doesn't have any, but still seems like he should at least know the bike has them and where they go However I am at 28,000 miles now and mine still seem fine. Hondaparts Direct online has them which is where I order my belts from. When you take them out of the variator check them for flat spots, if they don't have any I would say just clean and leave them alone. Someone on here may know a more accurate way of gauging there useful life than I though. |