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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeby Hop Today at 3:12 pm

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeby sonuvabug Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:16 am

» Sealing trunk area seams
1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeby GHM-PM Thu Dec 05, 2024 6:30 am

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 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days

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bob wells
7 posters
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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 7:47 pm

Just back a few hours now from a 9 day trip around Washington and Oregon.

Friday - From approx Tacoma, WA to Wenatchee. Ahhh..the heat on the East Side of Snoqualmie was sooo needed. It has been the year without a summer on the West Side.

Saturday - Wenatchee to Metaline Falls via Hwy 2 to 395 to 20. Sloooow but nice scenery.

Sunday - Metaline Falls to Walla Walla, WA. Down 20 to 395 to 195 to 26 to 127 to 12. Wow!!!! I lived in that area for years and NEVER took that route South from Spokane... A MUST RIDE along with the Starbuck run in in the area.

Spent a 2nd day in the area running down the Gorge to Umatilla and around the twisties in the area. Sooooo warm and noooo traffic :D~

Tuesday - Walla Walla to Bend, OR - Ooooooo yeah baby!!! Hot weather, low traffic and SUN!!! The Columbia Gorge was crystal clear and the sky a brilliant (almost Cobalt, cloudless) BLUE!!! And WARMIES!!!!!

Wednesday - A 2nd day in Bend, OR down to Crater Lake, OR and back. This hwy (97) SUCKS!!! SUX0RS!!! SUCKS!!! Smile It's "law enforcement" infested (which is not the issue really). It's just a horribly depressing, craptacular stretch of highway that I first encountered in March of 2003 during a snow squall and have hated ever since. However, The ride up to Crater Lake more than made up for hwy 97's shortcomings. On a happy note, stopped by Wildhorse H-D in Bend and found a replacement for my 15 year old engineer boots. Happy Feet!!™️

Thursday - Bend, OR to Lincoln City, OR - Boooooo . This ride sucked. Sloooow azz people, motor homes, tail gating jerk .ff's. And it doesn't help that I HATE the beach Smile AND that would have to ride the same miserable 52 miles back OUT to I-5 on the way home. But's a ride Smile

Friday - Down day. Foggy and cold on the Left Coast ;(

Saturday (today) - Lincoln City, OR to approx Tacoma, WA - Coooold on way out. Had sun in eyes heading East for more than an hour until hit I-5. Blasted up I-5 trying to avoid "get home-itis".


1) Do NOT, under ANY conditions, EVER AGAIN, take the Givi top trunk!!! NEVER!!! The down days without the top trunk were heaven. Riding with the top trunk on turned Red™️ into a wallowing PIG! Only for runs to grocery store from now on.

2) All that fit into top trunk I could have fit into a backpack bungied onto seat. All the real stuff fit under the seat. So take less or add another backpack. See #1.

3) Check tire pressure DAILY. The freaking wheels lost pressure like a mad fiend..have to find out why. The connie never needed air like this thing does. I suspect my valve stems.

All in all.. a fantastic vacation. The Wing got between 50 and 58 mpg depending on how slow it got. Riding without the top trunk reveals how much this bike cooks on the twisties.. It's a hooligans dream (as much as a hooligan rides a scooter) Wink

Will upload some pics as soon as I develop the film. Yes, I develop my own B&W :D

Hope you all have a good summer vacation as well.
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bob wells
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bob wells

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 8:00 pm

What!!! No Leavenwoth brats and beer? Shocked

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Visiting Curmudgeon

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 8:10 pm

Sorry mate, I don't agree with you at all about Givi top cases causing handling problems, and backpacks are for walkers. If you're having to check your tyre pressures on a daily basis, that's probably the cause of your handling problems.

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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 20, 2011 8:40 pm


Understand where you're coming from. DID check the tire pressure on off days. Air'd up to same pressure. Much more flickable. Anyway, everyone's preferences are different. I prefer not having that bulk up top on back either way Smile

And yeah, the tires have some kind of "issue" I need to sort Wink
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

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Registration date : 2011-07-15

1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 12:52 am

Sounds like you had a great trip. I like the Crater lake area. The coast is pretty bitchin' too, on clear days. It seems to rain whenever I am there.

Oh yeah, I must add that topcases are for women.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 1:29 am

Chinasaur wrote:
3) Check tire pressure DAILY. The freaking wheels lost pressure like a mad fiend..have to find out why. The connie never needed air like this thing does. I suspect my valve stems

I now have Ariete valve stems on the front and back rims and they greatly reduced the air loss.
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Visiting Curmudgeon

Number of posts : 4225
Location : York, North Yorkshire, England UK
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Registration date : 2010-11-16

1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 3:20 am

IDwingit wrote:
Oh yeah, I must add that topcases are for women.

Of course they are dear, where else would we keep our purses and handbags but in a nice Givi. Every full-dress tourer you see on the road is also ridden by a woman.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 11:12 am


Last edited by bigbird on Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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"Hi Yo"
Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru
1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days 510-80

Number of posts : 2940
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Registration date : 2010-02-17

1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 21, 2011 4:46 pm

Never really wanted a topcase, but I didn't realize you got a woman with them. Aw, they'd probably send me a XXL. :lol!:
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 74
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Registration date : 2010-08-26

1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days   1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 13, 2012 3:09 pm

Follow up to air loss. Turned out to be corrosion on both wheels. Had wheels and tires scrubbed off and some bead sealant..and loss.
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1700+ miles around Washington and Oregon in 9 days
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