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 Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school

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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 43
Location : Chiang Mai , Thailand
Points : 5313
Registration date : 2010-07-26

Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school Empty
PostSubject: Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school   Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2011 10:49 am

I felt really good, at no time I felt my bike would reach its limits in mountain climbing. My Silverwing Mountain Goat was pulling easly its 500 k load up steep mountains, no matter how rough it was at times. Not like before these anxieties that the clutch would start slipping. Keeping pace with the 2 mighty bikes of 2Wheels and LivinLos was made easy too because both gentlemen deliberately and kindly tamed their powers. Well, they had nothing to fear thanks to the big wheels swallowing even the deepest holes while my small wheels seem to search for and find each and every one of them plus that almost utmost attention must be given to the little ground clearance of the sidecar.

It's hard to imagine this reduction of stress because the clutch did what I wanted it to do= take grip!!
The Hit Clutch is the Hit for me, no doubt.

At the end of the climb there was a big brand new, posh sparkling blue signpost in... was it Thai or Hmong or both languages??? It looked totally out of place. It looked so lost placed next to, what looked like a washed out stream bed like from a comic movie. Two girls in school uniform were about to cover the sign with a big plastic tarpaulin.
Why on earth?? We were enlightened= to protect the new signpost from rain.
So there were school girls but where was the school? We were enlightened again= walk up the washed out stream bed that are actually the last 150 m to the school building. I tried to imagine how the kids and the teachers reach the school in weeks on weeks of rain. They would sink in mud up to their ankles or more. For sure some of them would slip and appear in class like mud wrestlers.

The school itself up on the very top, I wondered why the school right up there, look ever so neat. The kids look all proper, the benefit of uniforms, no classification through attire. The woman teacher looked a bit like the signpost at the stream bed, out of place in her uniform with much gold and other glitter. My guess was she had dressed up for our visit. Fascinating was the English teacher, I guess you saw his bed shed picture in 2wheels post. This was less fascinating much more surprised was his good English, in particular his pronunciation.
He said he had never spoken to a Farang before. So how did he pick up this relative wealth of vocabulary and this relative proper pronunciation? Listening to tapes.

Looking around I saw why everything was so new. The small chairs for the pupils were marked= donated by Ama Rotary Club, Japan. A young girl, I am in general unable to judge age here, they all look so young, was teaching the others of same age with great authority the pronunciation of the Hmong language, the language of the few mountain tribes in Northern Thailand. Cute the handicraft works, a typical teak wood table with people sitting on stubs or the house on stilts

A few pictures , best seen if you click on slide show , even larger if you hit F11


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Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school   Hit clutch in Northern Thailand/ Hmong school I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 15, 2011 8:18 pm

Glad to hear that the HiT Clutch has resolved the clutch slipping problem. It is especially nice to hear that it is working out so well for you under such harsh 'road' conditions.

Thank you for the nice ride report & the photos --but where is the photo of you and your Silverwing Sidecar rig?

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