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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby Hop Yesterday at 5:15 pm

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby john grinsel Yesterday at 10:10 am

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby Scootaboy Yesterday at 6:53 am

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby LarryD Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:33 pm

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby LarryD Tue Dec 03, 2024 7:27 pm

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby GHM-PM Mon Dec 02, 2024 6:01 am

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby Meldrew Sat Nov 30, 2024 12:27 pm

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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeby sonuvabug Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:49 am

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 One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT

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6 posters
Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 27
Age : 46
Location : Paris
Points : 5058
Registration date : 2011-03-02

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2011 10:30 am

Yesterday I woke up early to join my friends of the Club-scootergt for a ride in the countryside. I know it's going to be a good day and for me it's an important day : test to join the the Fireflys team (those who secure the ride). I've been waiting this for long and I'm well prepared !

After 30 minutes (gps told 40 ??? my motor love when it's cold ! Wink ) I'm the second at the first meeting point :

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0110

The wheter is cold and shiny but misty, but shiny... and cold... and...

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0111

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0112

Fortunately the road is dry !

Despite my 365day equipement the tips of my fingers are numbed (and no I don't want to install muffs tongue )

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0144

Then come some other members of the team

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0113
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0115
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0116

Two SW 400 : one "old" but Jcostatised -works nearly as a 600 stock) and one new also called "white whale"...) With my 600 and the deauville NTV we can say "HONDAPOWAAA" Wink
One susuki freewind, one triumph speed triple R, and one BMW K1300R (clockwork orange)

Let's ride to the main meeting point : le café le Balto à Villers coterets !

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0120

Pilots are there, happy to be together

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0117
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0118

And our grand sachem Major Gilles77, retired from police forces and smiling as ever, has concocted a trip like only him has the secret !

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0119

The bikes :
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0124
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0125
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0126
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0127

As you can see there is only one survivor of the 125 era rescaped from the epidemy of motorcycle license that stroke the club, and 3 intruders with 3 wheels Wink (don't tell Gilles77 I said that, he rides one...)

Hopefully, SWs are still there to face the oranges thingummyjig swing

Let's ride... Sorry I got no pictures of the action, I was too busy with my Firefly mission... jocolor

First stop at L'Abbaye de Longpont:

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0130
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0131
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0128

Miamivince, firefly riding the old sw 400 costatised, Rebel 1.1, shining dragonfly on BMW K1300R (no need to wear a uniform, his chiefness enlights everything around him), and me, hopping they will let me in after this test !

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0129

Second stop at the dungeon of Septmonts :
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0132
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0133
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0134
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0135
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0136

Me at the pitstop : until there I can smile : did a good job !
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0138

Third stop the channel goes underground :
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0139

And after a nice trip with little roads, bends in wood, straight in fields, tricky pathes with holes, pack of dry mud and dust... we are arriving at our friends home who works in roadsigns and, as you can see, has a particular sense of humour...

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0140
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0141
One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0142
The dog can stay but we said NO Walkingframe !!!

Bon appétit mesdames et messieurs, I'm sorry but I can't stay, I have to ride back home with my friends of the Firefly team to face other missions :

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Imag0143

I'm proud to say I succeeded in joining the FFTeam at MidgeRank Wink

Hope you enjoyed the trip !
More pitures and story here :

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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 27
Age : 46
Location : Paris
Points : 5058
Registration date : 2011-03-02

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2011 2:56 pm

Picture 12
-Triumph Speed triple R
-Susuki Freewind 650
-Honda Deauville NTV 750
-Piaggio MP3 LT

picture 13
-Kawa Z750
-Piaggio MP3 LT 400
-Kawa Versys (650 ?)
-BMW 1200 RT
-Peugeot Satelis 125
-Another MP3
-A walking frame again Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Laughing
-Kawa BM-like...

Picture 14
-Susuki Bandit 1250
-SW 400 (costa Wink )
-BMW 1300 RT
-My SW 1000

Picture 15
-Another susuki Bandit 1250
-An Orange thing with "ninja" written on... Wink
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Site Admin

Number of posts : 2598
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Registration date : 2008-12-19

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeSun Mar 06, 2011 10:50 pm


That is a good write up with great pictures. I love to see pictures of Europe since the buildings are much older. My wife is Dutch and we plan to go there this November and are thinking of going to France, Switzerland, and Germany while there. I hope we get to see some things like in your pictures. Congrats on being accepted in the group and thanks again for the ride review and pictures.
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Silver Wing Guru
Silver Wing Guru

Number of posts : 1995
Age : 77
Location : Huntsville, AL
Points : 7895
Registration date : 2008-12-24

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2011 7:10 am

Thanks for the report and pictures. Congrats on the FireFly approval.
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Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 154
Location : South New Jersey
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Registration date : 2009-07-12

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 07, 2011 10:47 pm

Looks like you had a great trip! Thanks for posting all the pictures. It seems like you see more MP3s in one day than I see in a month around here...

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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 27
Age : 46
Location : Paris
Points : 5058
Registration date : 2011-03-02

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 7:23 am

Yes, in Paris you can see dozens of MP3 each day. In France to drive a motorcycle > 125cc you need a specific licence "A". But Piaggio has enlarged the tread of the first MP3 (which were like US MP3 500 that we cold "fuocco" here) and they put a foot break on it. it is now possible for owners of the "B" licence (to drive cars) to drive MP3 LT 250, 300 and 400...

"true" bikers usually scorn Mp3 owners but as you can see on pictures with many various bikes : in the club we are quite untolerant : narrow minded people are NOT welcome Wink
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The Scootist
Silver Wing Expert
Silver Wing Expert
The Scootist

Number of posts : 693
Age : 67
Location : Loveland, Colorado
Points : 6466
Registration date : 2009-01-23

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeTue Mar 08, 2011 10:37 am

l semble que vous avez eu un grand tour. Je vous remercie de partager avec nous. J'ai vraiment apprécié l'ensemble de vos photos. J'espère qu'un jour je peux faire un tour de moto à travers l'Europe et de voir la campagne. Prenez soin.
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midlifecrisis (Paul)
Maxi-Scooter Rider
Maxi-Scooter Rider
midlifecrisis (Paul)

Number of posts : 153
Age : 69
Location : Otley, UK
Points : 5309
Registration date : 2010-11-23

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeWed Mar 09, 2011 9:39 am

I do like reading these adventures cheers

When I was in Paris in August, the amount of scooters I saw was huge, my wife, Julie, go pretty fed up with me photographing the them rather than paying attention to the pretty sights.

No matter what corner you went round there was always a nice patisserie and a long line of parked scooters/bikes.

As we came out of Gare du Nord there was also a long line of Honda Goldwings which we thought were motorbike taxis Question

I think this Burgman was fitted with a skirt
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Scooter Rider
Scooter Rider

Number of posts : 27
Age : 46
Location : Paris
Points : 5058
Registration date : 2011-03-02

One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT Empty
PostSubject: Re: One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT   One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT I_icon_minitimeThu Mar 10, 2011 4:07 am

Yes most goldwing in paris are taxis, some biburgs also called "citybirds"...
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One day with the Team Ile de France CSGT
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